
Friday, June 10, 2016

A Year in Reivew: Preschool

My baby made it though his first year of school! I'm so proud and grateful of how well Myles did with his first year of school. Before he started preschool last August, he hadn't been away from me for more than a couple hours once a week or even less. He had never been around that many kids or been under someone else's (besides family) care. The transition was surprisingly smooth and we had no real problems the entire school year. He made some great friends, as did I, that I hope we can keep for a long time. 

Here is a little overview of his year in school via the camera roll:

Me: "Did they tell you to smile?"
 Myles: "Yes, but I made a mad face."

First Halloween at school. He wanted to wear this shirt and be Flash, so I couldn't pass up the opportunity to make him Sheldon. 

First school made Christmas tree ornament; made everything worth it!

First Valentine's Day at school. We made superhero suckers. He loved it so much, and his Valentines are tucked safely away in a box to keep for the rest of his life.

 Snack time at school helped Myles try so many new foods!

 First time something was sent home with his name written out all by himself (the beginning March.) For a while, he would write only a couple letters, mostly the M, Y, and L. The S has been tricky for him, but he finally started giving it a try and I think it's great!

Last day of school! (yes I know I spelled preschool wrong this time. I, of course, did this in the last 20 seconds before walking out the door when we were already late. No excuses though, that's horrible!)

 We are pretty excited (and a little terrified) to start transitional Kindergarten next school year. But for now, we will be enjoying the summer!!!



  1. Love him! He is growing up so fast!!

    1. Just like everyone always says.. in the blink of an eye. It's so true!

  2. Oh I love this big review! And my how he has grown! Preschool just takes the baby right out of them!

    1. And of course you don't really notice because you are with them everyday. But then you do a side-by-side photo and dang! No more toddler, hello kid!

  3. Replies
    1. All of those first are so bittersweet. I love them so much but it means he is getting big and no more firsts again!

  4. Cute Post! It's reassuring that he did well after being used to being at home with you all the time. I am already starting to worry about my daughter transitioning to school since she is home with me. Thanks for the encouragement :) Following you from

    1. I was so worried and nervous, but he adapted so well! I think it's mostly true that it is way harder for the parents versus the kids lol. We started out little too, just three hours a day.

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