Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas Decor: Wreath, Mantle, and Kid Art

Currently, I am not enjoying the decor am I about to show you! I am, in fact, about 2,000 miles away from my Christmas decor. And while that saddens me, I am in much better company. So although no one will actually be enjoying my Christmas decor on Christmas, I couldn't be happier to be with my family. So without further ado:


I picked up a plain green wreath at Goodwill for $4.00! Then I added some Dollar Tree accessories. I got a classic red ribbon, at two-pack of red cardinals, and two bouquets of gold flowers, that I took the stems off of. It is very simple, but I really like the way it turned out. I was going for a gold and red theme this year!

Mantle & Fireplace

I really wanted to keep my mantle simple. I went a little over simple, but not too much! So, I am pretty proud of myself. I framed up a couple printables I found on Pinterest. Here is the  "Winter is the Time for Home" printable, "For Unto Us" printable, and "It's the Most Wonderful Time" printable. I printed them out on colored paper and layered them with other colors in the background. I also picked up a couple gold frames at the Dollar Tree to go with my gold and red theme. They also had those really cute tinsel trees in my colors, so of course I had to grab them up. 

The garland on the mantle I found at Goodwill for $10! It has the lights, pine cones, and berries attached, so I didn't have to do anything. I am very proud of this find! I also threw some red candles in Dollar Tree glass fish bowls. And my mirror wouldn't be complete without a "Merry Christmas" gel cling. I know they are pretty corny but I just love them.. and so does Myles. I bought him a set of his own for our glass back doors. It kept him occupied for all of 10 minutes before he ripped them up :)

I threw two red tapered candles and some red and gold tinsel in the fireplace. It is a gas fireplace and we are too scared to try it out, so I like to make it festive too. 

And the best part of the whole mantle: the display of Myles' art! I bought a kit for hanging Christmas cards at Target's Dollar Spot. It came with a green and white stripped string and 6 mini clothespins with a snowflake design glued on. I bought it because it was so cheap, but it could be a very easy DIY. Then you could customize the colors/patterns to your liking.

A week ago, I put Myles in the shower, gave him washable paint, some paint brushes, and let him have at it! Some of it ended up on the paper, but most of it was on the shower walls and himself. There are some feet marks and a little of my own strokes (to show him how to paint), but the rest is all him. Although extremely messy, this art activity was very fun for both of us, and the finished work is pretty awesome for a first painting :)

I also did some footprint crafts with Myles. I put him in his highchair and gave him paper and paint to play with. While he was occupied with that, I made his footprints. It helped that he was in his chair, but it was not an easy task. As evident in the quality of the footprints, he was not very cooperative. I'm guessing the paint was cold because he kept moving his feet when I tried to put in on and then he wouldn't stay still when I try to make the print. They could have looked better, but it's the memory that matters. I saw both of these ideas on Pinterest and just made them on regular scrapbook paper. I added a couple stickers and his name/year for a keepsake. I love the hand/footprint art for keepsakes. I wish I would have started from the beginning with him, but I want to do it for every holiday from now on.

Hope you enjoyed my Christmas decor tour! 
Hope you all are enjoying the holidays, your family, and all the beautiful decorations!

How is your holiday decorating coming along?


  1. I love how everything came together! It looks beautiful, I especially love the art done by the little artists. :]

  2. Desiree @ Macke MonologuesDecember 18, 2013 at 1:02 PM

    It all looks so great! I LOVE that you were able to pick up some great finds from Goodwill! I hadn't even thought to check their for holiday decor.
    Your mantle is gorgeous! I desperately wish we had a mantle to decorate. One day… :)
    Enjoy your time with family!!

  3. Thanks so much for coming by to check it out! This is my first year really decorating so I'm pretty happy with it. I can't wait to keep adding and changing every year. The kiddie art is my favorite part too :)

  4. Yea I randomly check out goodwill stock every once in a while. I like to look for holiday stuff there because usually I DIY it anyway, so it doesn't have to be perfect. And a lot of times there is nothing wrong with things people just don't want it anymore.

    Maybe if you guys have to move you will get a mantle! *Looking for a bright side :)
    Wishing you a great holiday as well!

  5. Oh my lands the kids artwork is so cute!

  6. Awe thanks! I'm very partial to my son's amazing skills, but it was very do make ;)

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