Thursday, June 30, 2016

Petaluma Playground Guide

When I decided to come back to blogging again after my year break, I really wanted to start incorporating local places and events into my writing. The Bay Area has much to offer and sharing here has really helped keep me accountable to making the most out of us living here. In my Bay Area Kids Fun series, I review kid friendly places in the entire Bay Area and I also have started sharing local guides as well.   
Today I am sharing a city parks playground guide!

This guide is a comprehensive list of every city park that has a playground. I have included the types of play equipment, swings, sand, and any extras relevant to families. Also below I have added pictures of every playground as well.

The file is uploaded to Google Drive in PDF format, so click the link above or below to open it. You can download and either save it, print it, or screen shot it from your smartphone. That way you can always have it.

Anna's Meadows

Arroyo Park

Bond Park 

Del Oro Park 

Eagle Park 

Fox Hollow Park 

Grant Park 

Helen Putnam Park

Kenilworth Park 

LaTercera Park 

Leghorns Park 

Lucchesi Park 

Mannion Park 

McDowell Park 

McNear Park 

Meadow Park 

Miwok Park 

Oak Hill Park 

Riverview Park 

Southgate Park 

Walnut Park 

Westhaven Park 

Westridge Park 

Wiseman Airport Park 

Hope this is helpful to you all and feel free to share!


  1. Hi, I'm trying to find your recent post of kids classes in Petaluma. Today is the first time I've been able to really dive into your compiled research, but now I can't find the post. Help please.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by! is the link!

  2. Hi article which you have present on playground equipments manufacturers is a great post, I truly liked it. I learned a lot from your article. I am going to share your article with my friends and office team. Thanks!”


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